Today?… Not good at all!

Last night… at 4 o’clock, me was making bizar noices and I was whining too. So mum got out of bed and came downstairs. We went outside for a while, but I did not pee nor did I poop. Mum said I was acting a bit silly and bizar. And everybody went back to bed. I did not want to go in my bed, I lay down beside my bed. Mum said I was acting very strange.

This morning I did not eat, really noting, I was standing in the kitchen, tail between my legs, head down… not eating, not drinking. When mum said: dogpark… up went my tail and off we went to the dogpark. Big pee, big poop. No friends, no play… But no run neither! Mum found it strange.
Back in: I did not eat, standing there as before, with trembling legs, then laying down… mum went to work, dad stayed home. I slept all day…

Mum came home… I did eat a bit but still acted very, very strange… Mum called the vet. Appointment 2 hours later.

You know what? Mum said I acted like a child with a toothache! When the child enters at the dentist’s, the tooth does not hurt anymore and the child wants to get out! I disagree firmly… I went in at the vet’s with pleasure, did not want to get out! Tail wagging, acting normal! Vet did not find anything special, althougd he did a lot of amusing and not amusing things! He said it must have passed. He still gave me a syringe, to be sure… On top of that: the scale… I gained two kilos (Google says: 4.4 pounds)

I went for a walk with mum, not far this evening… and now I’m sleeping again, laying next to mum’s chair. She says I ask for pity… after my ‘performance’ at the vet’s, it’s a bit strange, she thinks… She says: it’s not “to be or not to be, that’s the question”!!! The question really is: “to be ill or not to be ill?” Hopefully the vet is right and tomorrow is a better day…

Newsflash!… Moby Dick is moving!

Since a long time mum is complaining about the little house of Moby Dick… And she is right! His house is much and much smaller than my little house (when it is open and not folded to go somewhere…).

Moby Dick is about 8 years old now. When he came to live with grandpa Lennox and mum and dad, he was very, very tiny. Grandpa says: couldn’t see him swim in his house! He was not 3 centimeters long. (Google says: 1,1 inches). Now he measures about 14 centimeters = 5,5 inches (difficult to measure correctly, mum says!). His house is far to small! He once jumped out! 😦
But we have no place to put a bigger house for him! 😦  So first, mum was thinking about bringing him to their friends little pond in their garden. But grandpa en me explained very clearly he would miss the humans around!

And then, at sudden, there was the nice guy of the park-party! This human guy is the son of mum’s colleague! And he wants a pet, for years and years, but he is allergic to pets. His doctor said he could have a Moby Dick! The guy was pleased about that. His mum was telling that to my mum, accidently… And my mum had a great idea… You can guess???

Yes! Moby Dick is moving to this caring and loving human guy! The guy  buys a big house for Moby Dick (he is saving all his pocket money for it!), he has lots of space for it! And we? We can go and visit! 🙂 All’s well that ends well! 😉

How high?… That high!

Very often, when my mum shows pics of me and my tree, I mean: of me in my tree… Well, than people ask: and how high is that? How high is she, the lovely Kita?
I like the part when they call me lovely! 🙂

So me and mum decided to make some pictures that show clearly how high is high. I surely pity we did not do the fototoot before the cracking of my tree, which is a crack willow. Now I can’t go that high anymore. Mum is happy about that! 😦

So, early in the morning, when there is only the two of us in the dogpark, we tried several times to make “selfies”. Don’t know what that is, but I need a lot of patience then! Have to climb in the tree, which is fun 🙂 … have to stay there: fun too 🙂 … have to look at mum when there are other things to see: no fun! 😦

Mum is not tall at all… (1,54 m = 60,7 inches, Google says). But when she stands near the tree and I’m in the tree, well I could step on her head, I’m above my mum… 😉
Pics will show you a bit! I think we’ll have to ask grandpa Lennox to make the pics (mum disagrees firmly, as often!)… surely would be much clearer than this selfie-thing… but for the time being: have a look! 😉

Spring in the air… but mud is also still there…

Oh yes, I’m a real citygirl! That means we have no garden! But don’t pity me, oh no, we have a human’s park where dogs are allowed (on the leash 😦 ) and we have a big dog park. In Antwerp are a lot of dogparks, but ours is one of the best, of course! 😉

So, you understand, when we go out and play in the sand or the mud, we have durty feet! 😉 So we are thaught to clean our feet! Grandpa Lennox and me, we are real citizens who go in the house with clean feet. 🙂

Paws, Kita, paws, you silly girl! You have paws, humans have feet!

Okay, okay, grandpa! So we clean our feet at the front door! Mum made pics and a film because lot of her friends always ask how she manages with muddy bandits without garden and so on! For a real gentleman and a real lady, there is no problem! 😉
Just watch!!!

Mum, sniff it!!!… Spring is in the air!

These days mum has a lot of work and she has a lot on her mind… That’s what I think! How do I know? Well, when we make our afternoon or evening walk, normally she talks to me regularly. I have “to heel” a lot, as a lady should, of course…

These days there is less talking and less “heeling” to do. I can walk a bit ahead of her – as a real lady should not do of course – and as long as I do not pull (accidently of course) on the leash… well she does not remark me stepping ahead of her! That’s very odd! My mum who does not remark such a thing, very bizar!

But the part that worries me most: she did not sniff the spring in the air! That’s a pity and a shame! So today it was not her pointing out young flowers and leaves, but me. I pulled on the leash and sniffed! Pulling is good to get attention! At least she did understand what I was saying and she took the blinking thing! Pfff, back to normal! Back to the talking 🙂 …, back to the “heeling” 😦 and… back to the fototoot! 😉 We are back in business, thank dogness!

Kita… and Mr. Bean!

My dogness, this is an exciting discovery! You won’t believe your eyes reading this! But it is the truth! I did some research… euh, well, euh… the human mum of my mum Funnygirl looked it up for me!

What? I tell you! I have family all over the world. Yes I know, the aire-doggies and aire-folks are one big family, they always say so!
But I have real relatives all over the world, with the same name! My first name is Kita, but my family name is ‘Van ’t Asbroek’. Well, I found out that other aire-girls and aire-gentlemen called ‘Van ’t Asbroek’ live in different countries.

There is my famous price-winning litter-sister Karolle Van ’t Asbroek in France! And there is my mum Funnygirl who lives in the Netherlands now.

And than there is Mr. Bean!! He lives in Norway! My dogness, he is a handsome sir! Ohlalalala! His official name is Iammrbean Van ’t Asbroek! His mum is a littersister of my grandpa! No, not my grandpa Lennox (he is a labrador!), my real grandpa: Desmond Van ’t Asbroek! So you see he is my cousin! Or almost! 🙂

And than there is the brother of Mr. Bean who is in Mexico! But mum can’t find him on the tv-typing-machine! But my mum knows the mum of Mr. Bean and his mum sent some pics! That’s how I know he is so handsome! 🙂

And you know what? All of us are born in Zoutleeuw, in Belgium! There live a wonderful human doggie-dad and doggie-mum! They really love their dales and know everything about them! I love going there… to be groomed! Aire-dad makes me a lovely and beautiful and real airedale-lady Van ’t Asbroek! I’m proud to be a Van ’t Asbroek-airedale-lady! I sure am! 🙂

Look at the pics of Mr. Bean. He is a beautiful Van ’t Asbroek-airedale-sir, who went abroad to Norway. You can see we are relatives, can’t you?!!!!

Kita sends Valentine-greetings to… a very special girl!

So today is Valentine Day… What on earth is that! I could look it up on mum’s tv-typing-machine… Got a lot of very clear explanations from my friends Tarquin and Tyee! Thanks guys! So it is all about love…

Well then… I will send special greetings today to a very special girl! I’ll explain! There are Sam and Ike in Wyoming and their mum! Wel the Hump Day-mum has a very lovely and special human sister! Why is she so special? She works in a library, just as my mum does! And she is always smiling, she loves the books very much and she reads a lot of books!
My mum says this smiling lady may come to Antwerp and make mum’s library a lot brighter and she will make all the visitors smile too!

Sam and Ike’s mum did send some pictures of this lovely smiling library-girl! And something else is special! She has airedale-friends! Look!

So I send her a very big and special, smiling Kita-aire-hug!

You want to read about this special library-lady? Just click!

City-lady?… Muddy, stinking bandit!

My dogness! Oh, my dogness! Molly, Monty, Winnie and Taffy in the UK were complaining last week in their picture-stories everything was all muddy and too wet! So I did answer that this dale-lady had more to complain about! Our dogpark is a swamp for the moment. Asked mum to make pictures on Sunday, even Grandpa’s paws were in the mud! 😉

Although the swampy situation, we go play there! And this lady is a little bit carefull not to get too muddy, normally. But this evening, in the dark, without my light-collar (mum forgot to put it on), I was naughty! That was not my idea though, you understand that immediately of course!
One of my new evening friends was there: Fons! A cocker gentleman! But, dog, he likes running and playing. When I want to rest, he barks to go on running! This guy likes sports.

So, Fons said we could go splashing in the most muddy part of the dogpark! Without collar, mum did not see where we ran! But she knows we are safe: fence of the dogpark is solid and high! So she was talking to the dad of Fons. Of course, at a certain moment they heard us… splashing, somewhere! She used the whistle-language! Off I went. Into the part of the dogpark with the lights… to my mum!

You should have seen my mum’s face! And surely the dad’s face when he saw the long ears of Fons! Mum said that I’m a dale-bandit! 😦 But this bandit-lady had big fun! 🙂

At home she got the pawplunger… She says I do stink of this swampy water! 😉 Pics available… 😉

Yes, a bottle!… Euh, where? Spooky, this bottle!

When mum was getting the little film of me and Holly off the blinking box, she was laughing a lot! She found a film of me of that same day, but early in the morning! She said it was funny!

She showed me! Well, I think it was not to laugh with! I was playing with a bottle. I explain what happened! I found a bottle in the water of the sea! Mum said it was rising tide and I had to be careful. So I wanted to take the bottle out of the water to play with. But it was stuck! I was pulling and pulling and pulling. Nothing worked. Then I taught I should be clever and bite the top of the bottle! Didn’t work neither! And then… the bottle disappeared! Gone!!! I looked and looked and I could not find it!

And mum? She was filming and laughing!! She said this was very lively… I don’t think this was funny! Bottle was gone! And me, I could not found it… little stupid for a dale-lady… no?

But I found another one! 🙂 A big one! Another bottle and another problem… water was to deep, this lady hates a wet belly! 😦

Sliding? Yes!… Swimming? No!

My dogness! Mum had so much work this week! Yesterday morning we even didn’t go to the dogpark! Such a hurry to leave for work. Mum was talking about dictionaries and the other library-lady waiting for her and talking to do???

I asked her several times to make the film with Holly, from last weekend, you remember? No time! I don’t know the tv-typing-machine good enough to do it myself and the blinking thing, I may not touch… problems enough! But after dinner she said that maybe she has time tonight. We went out: it was raining cats and dogs, mum and dad said. I see no cats and dogs, but I don’t like rain! So I pee and poop quickly and I wanted to turn back home… to make the film, you understand! 😉 But you don’t know mum… Evening walk is evening walk… rain or not… 😦 So no quick returning! This lady was wringing-wet… Ggggrrrrr.

But mum is showing me the film! Oh yes, what a sliding party! And no, I do not go that far in the sea as Holly does… But it was so much fun!