July?… Fun and misery!

July was quite a busy month, my dogness!

First there was the fun fair, i already told you about it. In another story.

We went to the seaside too, before the fun fair! Only for 2 days, but it was fun!

Then I was sick! Imagine! Me! Ill! Mum and dad call me the drama queen! 🙂 I had diarrhea with blood and i had to vomit. Off to the green clothes… except, this time it was a lady in blue clothes! Think I like the lady, she is nice. Why? Yes, of course, i got treats that i was cracking slowly and then calmly eat them, leaving her floor as a mess… she even did not mind! Go figure!
Got a shot – in 2 times because it hurt!! – and a lot of pills for at home to cure the stomach and intestines infection.

While mum and the blue lady were talking, i lay down and wanted to nap on her floor. Nice floor and nice blue clothes there. Mum was very, very, very surprised! I walked out laughing too!

Then fun started! I do not eat pills, except when very, very well hided in a very good treat! And then i mean: a really good treat. So I was spoilt! 😉 Love that!

After a few days… end of the episode drama queen: back to the huge dogpark! We were all alone. Me and mum tried to take some selfies. We both were on our stomach in the grass… and laughed a lot… and made a lot of bloopers… you can laugh too! ❤

The last to days of the month we spent at our holiday and welness hotel Bernerhofje. We returned nicely groomed and very tired of the playing and the grooming. ❤

In the end, I have to say that July was quite a nice month after all. 🙂 ❤