Update… from real life! (part 1)

Dear Kita

Yes, high time to update you!
And make you jealous!! Now i am an only child. In the beginning i spend some time with your collar, not long though! I enjoy things i am allowed too now!

Hihi, i can lay under the table now, which we could not being two!
I am looking out, putting my head between the curtains, which we could not when we were two!
I have all the place at the window to look outside!
I always can lay in the big bed, no big sister doing gggrrr to get me out of it!
I get al the treats!
I took your place near mum on the couch at the seaside!
I was at the trimming hotel, all by myself!

And so on and on…

Ooh yes, mum made this blanket she called ‘Kita’s beach’, it goes to Canada!

Well, that’s it… see the pics for more! 😉
Till next time!

A little biteyface from

Sissie Lizzie aka the française aka the raskall aka the clown of the house (these days)

PS Mum misses you more than me! 😉
PPSS I had this wound between my toes! Mum was more worried than me, as you can imagine!