Gotcha day… number 11!

Yesterday, 21 March, was my gotcha day! Number 11!

Yes, you read it well! Grandpa Lennox always said, when you are past 10 years old, every day is to be seen as a gift! It can be your last one. Well, that does count for everybody, I think! 😉

Anyway, the weather was beautiful yesterday and today, and warm too! So we went out to make some pictures, mum said. Pictures of Gotcha day

We show you everything! Bloopers too… You know I can pose, and pose very well! Like a real model! But if there is a lot to see, I am not in the mood for posing. And then, as grandpa thaught me: humans and others should respect your personal space 😉 … mums too! But she did not… see the bloopers. Look at her face too!

This time very gentle people were helping her, no selfies this time! 😉

Have a good laugh!