Byebye for now heatwave… we’re back in business!

Oh, this was horrible!!!! 38° C one moment. For aireladies that is too much of the nice weather. Also for airladies mums: mum did not want to go out for long and I could not walk on the foothpad: stones too hot, my mum says. Small walks, in the shadow, on the grass. We had to drink a lot too! 
About that: française made a mess of the drinking… water arrived everywhere: on the wall, on the floor… She will never be a lady, I’m sure about that! 😉

Anyhow: heat is over now. back to 20°, no sun. And a nice wind! So, mum decided we could go to the small dogpark. Ooooh, the poor grass! It is all yellow! Not green anymore, just as everywhere else! Mum says it has my colour now! 😉

But we were back in the playing business! 🙂 ❤



WWW… with Bacon and Pepsi!

Mum, listen to me: we need another little chat! I have her immediate attention this time. Mum, we still have to tell about the WWW with Bacon and Pepsi, the new one!

What? Not now? Too hot? Yes, I know it is hot today: 32° C. But we can tell, can’t we?

Okay, tv-typing-machine is on! 🙂

You remember my friend Bacon, don’t you? The English bulldog? He has a little brother since some time ago! The little gentleman is almost a year old and his name is Pepsi. He is a mix with a lot of terrier in it, hahaha! I recognize that! hahahaha! 😉

We had a great time in the huge dogpark! On the sand and in the water! We found a ball! Little Pepsi really thought he could steal it from me! hahahahaha! He should get smarter! Mum took pics! 😉 


Really too ridiculous… Lizzie’s ‘riposte’

– “Look, Mum, I got her! Je la tiens. I’ll be helpful and hold her leash for you. – Mon Dieu! Stop pulling, Kita! I won’t let you go, tu sais. You know Mum doesn’t like to chase you, when she wants to go for a walk with you. Look at me: I behave comme une Dame, n’est-ce pas? I wait for my treat, while Dad puts on my harness. – Tu sais, when Mum is in her bookshop…”

– “Mum doesn’t work in a bookshop, you silly française! It’s not a store, it’s a library!” 😉

– “Well, let me tell you one thing, Miss Know-It-All: where I am from – La Douce France, you know! – all Humans call a bookshop une librairie! Compris? – So, when she goes to her librairie and Dad takes us out on one leash, you always hang back and I have to pull you all the way. How is that Airelady-like? Qu’est-ce que tu as, what on earth is wrong with you?”

– “I’m just not as boisterous, lively and energetic as you are, young eh… ‘Lady’, that’s all! By the way, you don’t ‘have’ to pull me, you know. You just can’t keep yourself from doing it.” 😉

– “Eh bien, ça alors! Are you getting old already, Vieille Dame Kita? Ce n’est pas possible!

[Fierce bitey-face, once again…]

­ “This rambunctious Frenchie really does seem to be a lifelike reincarnation of Grandpa Lennox with an AT coating, doesn’t she?” ❤ [Mum & Dad high-fiving]

Sissie Lizzie,
aka The Frenchie



Really… really too ridiculous!

Mum, do something about this! Just do something! I WILL NOT move one paw! I will NOT be taken for a walk by her! By this bossy française! Just do something about it, will you? 😦

Stop laughing so hard! ggggrrrr. What do you say? Hilarious??? No!!! Ridiculous!

Oh, you won’t let her take me out for a walk?! That is reassuring news!  🙂 What? Too dangerous??? No, too ridiculous. This lady is too much of a lady to be walked by that française-teenager-wild thing! 😦

Aaaah, now you come to terms! Ha, Lizzie, enough of that bossy behaviour of yours. You can pull as much as you want, I will NOT move one paw. I am stronger than you! 😉

Okay, mum, I’m ready! Are you? 😉


Run free, mummy Fun… run free!

We all were on holiday! Mum and dad to Mano’s country and me and the française to our hotel! Yeeey! We like it there! 🙂 🙂

But when we came home there was a sad news on mum’s tv-typing-machine!… About my doggie-mummy! 😦 Remember she came back home from the Netherlands and we looked for a new place? No, not that there were no nice people, not at all… but mummy Fun wanted to stay with her family. I understand! So did her human mum: she loved her little angel very much! 😉
Even macho Sunny wanted her to stay, he accepted the Fun-lady. Fun was really enjoying playing and being naughty with the young girls. My grandpa Lennox would have understood very well, hahaha! So she stayed… as a very happy lady!

And then, from one hour to the other, mummy Fun became very ill: vomitting and having big pain. In a hurry to the vet, but nothing could help her. She peacefully went to the Rainbow Bridge and she was waited for by my uncle Pol and my grandpa Lennox. He made me a little message from there, you know!  He keeps me updated! ❤

Her mom Cita, who is now 14 years old, my granny, is sad too of course! But she is happy uncle Pol and grandpa are taking care of her sweet daughter, little angel Funnygirl van ’t Asbroek!

Run free, Fun-angel… run free! ❤ ❤ ❤

At the left is my granny Cita, in the middle my mummy Fun and at the right, my lookalike Many Roses.