2020? The year with … the biggest misser ever!

Well, it is some time ago, that it happened… but mum was repeating me so often that I should tell this too on my storypage… i did not want to… but in the end i gave in… she said i should be honest and not only be bluffing and boasting about being a lady and a queen… 😉
Well… nobody is perfect in this life… and i am sure my friends will understand me! ❤

As you know my mum is in the crocheting business! She makes a lot of things! Well, she is making a cover for our big red couch. The one we, for all means, are not allowed on! And if I say: not, then I mean: NOT.
So we do not do it, even the française never does!

When part one of the cover was finished, she installed it to see what it looks like! And i fully agree: it is nice and colourful. In cotton, so soft too… ❤

Because I am in the inspection business… well, what did I do? I tried it out… i went on the NOT-couch!!! 😉

Oooohoooh, my dogness! Who came in with her black blinking thing in her hand? Mum!
I never heard her yell that hard, well maybe once, when i was very young when i ate the froozen chicken i got from the kitchen counter. Never did that again, i can tell you!
The whole building and people in the street have heard her yelling at me! Because i was on the new cover of the NOT-couch! 😦

End of story: I got off… 😉 I was going to try it one second time but when i saw only mum’s eyes… well… well… well… i didn’t…

Happy 2021 to you all, masked or not! 😉

Me?… The lady queen of terriers!

I knew it!! I knew it!! 🙂

I know my mum… She took the whistle, she took a lot of these special treats! I knew it, we would go to the huge dogpark! ❤ So we did!

When we arrived there were a lot of clouds! We do not mind, don’t we mum? Mum, we go all the way to the water today? If i do not go in the cold water. Too cold? We’ll see, i was thinking, I am faster than mum, hahahaha! (See the arrow on the pic, that is where the water is!)
Hahaha, i went in and when mum arrived she was yelling of course. Mum, really, you know I only wet my feet, I do not want the water touching my belly! Ladies only wet their feet! ❤

On the way back, i showed who is the king of terriers! Or better: who is the queen of terriers! For once mum was ahead and she saw it too and made pics!
A dad with 5 big dogs was coming. Of course the dogs were faster! 😉 Humans never learn! hahaha.
The dad seemed a bit worried because he came with very big steps. This time mum was not worried, she was proud…
I was there, waiting stoic, like a lady queen! Dogs showed me respect, I can assure you! The dad, he was afraid! Id did not understand why… I had everything under control! Why did he put the beautiful husky on the leash, such a respectful guy…
Really, humans can be stupid! I had more control than he did. Husky was angry at him, go figure! I understand him very well, mind that! 😉

At home, after 3 km, my almost 10 years old bones needed rest… yes, grandpa Lennox, I understand now…

Special times… and new habits

Well, these special days with masked humans and not masked dales go on…

I suppose mum and dad were thinking that such a masked period calls for new habits. In the morning, we both go out with dad now. Ha, but first we can wake up mum. That is fun! 🙂 🙂 🙂 The française does not understand yet you should be gentle but that is okay! 😉

After walking, we get our breakfast and breakfast dessert together! That goes all right. But I want to enjoy my breakfast dessert slowly… sissie Lizzie has another idea about that… see pics! 😉

And then… that is maybe the most special of all! Go figure this out! Normaly, when you borrow a book, a human goes to the library to borrow it. Well, not my mum these days! Her colleague number 1 especially brought it to the other part of the library (there are 2 locations, you see). And the colleague of that part, who is my very good friend since i was a puppy, she especially came to the left bank to bring mum’s borrowed book! How sweet is that!!!!! ❤ ❤ ❤ Thank you both, says mum!