My very, very, very biggest hero???… My dad!

Who plays football with me on the beach? My dad! 🙂
Who takes me for walks when mum is at her library and also  late at night? That’s not mum, of course! Or she is working or she is already asleep, hahaha! 😉 It’s dad! 🙂
Who gives me dinner very often? Dad! 🙂

You see, we spend a lot of time together, me and my dad! 🙂

And then… there was my birthday! I really was very surprised when dad was watching television… In the seat next to him, there is still place… Mum does not sit in that brown seat because it makes her back hurt… So, in the brown seat there is a small place next to dad. Maybe I could try to get on his lap, as I do with mum in the back seat of the car…???…
Yes, I can! Look at me… In the brown seat, next to dad!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂
Did mum see this???

Day after, I tried it again… of course when mum did not see it. Dad, he said it was okay as long as I only get in the brown seat! That’s our seat, he says! And when he comes, I take a small place or I go in my bed! Oh yes, I do!!! But, friends all over the world: I conquered a new seat! And I really don’t have to thank mum for it: she normally forbids it!

So, tell me: who is my very, very biggest hero? My dad! 😉 ❤

PS Grandpa Lennox got in seats too when he was younger! He told me so! ssssttttttttt!

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